Entries by Joao de Brito (78)


Hidden Garden’s Art Exhibit – Starting January 29, 2010


Internationally Renowned Artist Comes to Exhibit current works of
“Colors from the Heart” at the Hidden Garden’s Art Gallery –
Artist Reception, Friday, January 29th at 4:30 – 7:30 PM

An established California landscape painter admired especially for his expressive use of brilliant colors. De Brito is known for his landscapes, seascapes and skyscapes, he has often looked to his homeland for inspiration, imbuing his Azorean images with vivid colors and a powerful emotion that, in the words of a commentator, convey “paradise on earth” and “reach out to the viewer’s soul.” It is this dialogue that his images elicit the positive feeling out of a painting the viewer can identify with and hope for that distinguishes his work. His art creates its own joyful environment and reflects a celebration of life, an enduring vision of a brighter world.

“In my work I seek to understand and incorporate roots through an identification 
with the land and the topographic memory and emotion that I hope will reach viewers on a visceral level.” - João de Brito

João de Brito was born in 1958 in Vila Franca do Campo, in the island of São Miguel, Azores, and grew up in an artistic milieu. De Brito immigrated with his family to New England in 1968 and later moved to California, fascinated by its coastal beauty. He studied art in Europe and the US and was associated and painted with several well-known artists. His influences include the French fauves, the early California impressionists, the Society of Six, Nathan Oliveira and E. Charlton Fortune, as well as the Azorean artist Domingos Rebelo and the Portuguese painter Vieira da Silva.

De Brito travels extensively to paint en plein air, the method which underlies his landscape- and nature-based art. He has just returned from a painting tour in Europe and currently returned to Costa Rica for the fifth time inspired by its natural beauty.

João and his wife discovered The Hidden Garden Café for a wonderful lunch last spring, during his painting trip and loved the Gallery and the entire concept of a small cultural center surrounded by natural beauty. Upon returning this year, it was a mandatory stop on the way to Playa Carrillo and was delighted to find that the Gallery is thriving and also added an organic market & fair. Upon meeting Cheryl, who has been behind this vision - there a mutual sharing of appreciation for nature and art brought about an invitation to exhibit at the Gallery and share the paintings he’s creating during this visit.

João loves to come here to paint because there are no distractions; he loves the colors, peacefulness, sound of nature, people and of course the weather.

De Brito is represented by galleries on both coasts of the US and has exhibited in numerous solo shows from New Zealand to Portugal and his work is in private collections and museums throughout North America and Europe.

For more information about João de Brito and his full collection, please visit http://www.joaodebrito.net

Hidden Garden’s Art Gallery
5 Minutes South of the Liberia Airport
Guanacaste, Costa Rica

For More Information Please Call
Tel: 506 2667-0457


João de Brito @ Exonome

YouTube João de Brito @ Exonome 


Joao de Brito at The Stone Art Gallery

Current works, until May 25th

3/14/2007 -

Oakland, CA – March 2007 – New and recent works by impressionist/figurative painter Joao de Brito are currently on view at The Stone Art Gallery thru May 25th .

This ongoing exhibition gives Bay Area art lovers a chance to glimpse the latest offerings and artistic direction of a painter well-known for his use of color, lush landscapes and character-infused images of every day life.

In a recent interview for a newspaper from his native Azores, while acknowledging influences that helped shape his vision such as the French Fauvists, the early California Impressionists and Azorean artists, De Brito stressed: “I consider myself above all an observer of life who lives and sees color with special intensity and captures impressions of scenery and people in a positive light. An impressionist colorist in constant flux.”

In the wake of Paths of Life, a 2006 solo exhibit which spotlighted his recent landscapes and was shown at venues in both California and Massachusetts, De Brito has released six limited edition giclee prints. These signed limited editions as well as the Paths of Life catalogue are available at the gallery.

This Portuguese American artist and Bay Area resident, has exhibited all over the world and his work is represented in museums and private collections in Europe and North America. Reviewers, curators and gallery owners have commented on the powerful effect of his images.

The Stone Art Gallery is nudged between industrial buildings and factory warehouses at 600 50th Avenue in Oakland. For more information about this show or upcoming exhibits, contact Artistic Director De Brito at the number above or call the gallery at 510-536-5600. 

João de Brito na Stone Art Gallery Março-Maio 2007

Obras Recentes

3/14/2007 -

Oakland, CA – Março 2007 – Pinturas recentes e inéditas do pintor impressionista/ figurativo João de Brito estão neste momento em exposição na Stone Art Gallery.

A exposição em curso permitirá aos amadores de arte do norte da Califórnia apreciar as últimas criações e o trajecto artístico de um pintor notável pela utilização da cor, pelas suas paisagens exuberantes, e imagens do dia a dia.

Numa entrevista recente para o Diário Insular de São Miguel, embora reconhecendo influências relevantes para a sua pintura, como o açoreano Domingos Rebelo, os fauvistas franceses e os primeiros impressionistas Californianos, De Brito sublinhou: “Considero-me acima de tudo um observador da vida que vê e vive as cores com mais intensidade e capta impressões de paisagens e pessoas em tons positivos. Um colorista impressionista em fluxo constante”.

Na esteira da exposição Passos da Vida de 2006 que incidiu sobre as últimas paisagens, realizada em galerias na Califórnia e em Massachusetts, De Brito lançou recentemente seis giclées em edições limitadas. Estas gravuras de qualidade superior, assinadas pelo artista, assim como o catálogo de Passos da Vida, podem obter-se na galeria.

As pinturas deste artista Luso-Americano residente no norte da Califórnia têm sido expostas pelo mundo inteiro e a sua obra figura em museus e colecções particulares da Europa e da América do Norte. Conhecedores de arte, conservadores de museu e proprietários de galerias têm-se pronunciado sobre o poder evocativo das suas imagens.

A Stone Art Gallery situa-se no número 600 da 50th Ave em Oakland, e está instalada entre edifícios industriais e armazêns de fábricas. Para mais informação acerca desta ou outras exposições futuras, contacte De Brito no número acima ou a galeria: 510-536-5600.

João de Brito lanςa seis giclées em ediςões limitadas 

Stereo Plus Inc. 216 Warren Ave. East Providence R. I.

12/8/2006 - João de Brito lanςa seis giclées em ediςões limitadas

Capitola, Califórnia - O pintor impressionista/figurativo João de Brito acaba de lanςar seis giclées, 41x51cm. Estas gravuras em papel de qualidade superior constituem ediςões extremamente limitadas assinadas pelo artista.

Giclée é a forma mais avanςada de gravura digital disponível, de uma qualidade que iguala ou excede os métodos tradicionais de impressão, vendo-se já com frequência tanto em museus como em galerias de arte e fotografia. Giclées compram-se e vendem-se em leilões de arte através do mundo e podem ver-se no Metropolitan Museum, no Museum of Modern Art e em galerias da Chelsea em Nova Iorque.

A qualidade e fidelidade de cor da reproduςão giclée foram os elementos que mais atrairam De Brito: para um pintor notável pela sua utilizaςão da cor, a beleza e luminosidade desta tecnologia proporcionam um complemento natural. Estas ediςões limitadas permitirão aos apreciadores e coleccionadores de arte adquirir uma peςa com individualidade e valor sem gastar uma fortuna.

A exposiςão individual recente de João de Brito, Passos da Vida, que incidiu sobre as suas últimas paisagens, realizou-se na John O’Leary Gallery na Califórnia e na Thanassi Gallery em Provincetown, Massachusetts. Foi ainda o artista em destaque na galeria Many Hands em Capitola durante Outubro e Novembro.

As pinturas deste pintor Luso-Americano, natural dos Aςores, tem sido expostas pelo mundo inteiro e a sua obra está representada em museus e colecςões particulares na América do Norte e na Europa. Críticos de arte, conservadores de museu e proprietários de galerias têm-se pronunciado sobre o poder evocativo das suas imagens.

Para mais informaςão e para ver as giclées contacte a Stereo Plus Inc. 216 Warren Ave. East Providence R.I. US (401.434-5320)

Joao de Brito featured artist at Many Hands Gallery

Many Hands Gallery in Capitola

Contact: Genevieve Daly

Phone: 831-475-2500
or the artist email: artistjoaodebrito@gmail.com

Joao de Brito featured artist at Many Hands Gallery

Many Hands Gallery in Capitola is currently exhibiting new and existing works by Impressionist/figurative painter Joao de Brito. He is the gallery’s featured artist, October 1 through November 30, 2006.

Fresh from his recent solo exhibition, Paths of Life, which spotlighted his latest landscapes and was held both at John O’Leary Gallery in Hayward California, and Thanassi Gallery in Provincetown Massachusetts, De Brito’s work returns closer to “home.” Home being the Santa Cruz location of Many Hands Gallery where its owner, Kate Nolan, spends most of her time -- “there have been no other works that I would rather spend time enjoying than those of Joao de Brito,” she says.

The paintings of this Portuguese American artist have been exhibited all over the world and his work is represented in museums and private collections in North America and Europe. Art reviewers, curators, gallery owners and others have commented on the effect his images exert upon the viewer. Come experience for yourself the transformative power of this painter’s singular vision.

The new catalogue of the exhibition Paths of Life/Passos da Vida, about the artist, is also available at the gallery.

Many Hands Gallery is located @
511 Bay Avenue, Capitola, California.
* 831-475-2500 *